Solved - The zip extension and unzip commands are both missing - PHP

By Hardik Savani May 14, 2024 Category : PHP

Hello Developer,

In this profound tutorial, we will learn The zip extension and unzip commands are both missing php. This post will give you a simple example of the zip extension and unzip command are both missing skipping. you can understand a concept of the zip php extension is not installed ubuntu. let’s discuss about laravel the zip php extension is not installed.

Yesterday, I was setup my PHP laravel application in the new digitalocean server. I installed everything and cloned project from GitHub as well. Then I just call composer install and I found the following error:

The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing,

After, google research i found solution to instal zip and unzip extension in php. so, let's see the below solution.


sudo apt-get install zip unzip php-zip

Then, it works for me.

I hope it can work for you.

Thank you

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