How to Replace \n with br in PHP?

By Hardik Savani May 14, 2024 Category : PHP

Hello all! In this article, we will talk about how to replace \n with br in php. it's simple example of replace n with br in php. you will learn php replace n with new line. it's simple example of php replace r n with newline. Let's see bellow example php replace \n with br.

Sometime, we took a textarea and use enter information with new lines and all. Then after when he wants to show entered details then we have to show them exactly what he enter like with enter and space all. So textarea by default adding "\n" to content so you have to convert "\n" to newline. so here we will use nl2br() function and str_replace() function to replace \n to br.

So, let's see both example one by one.

Example 1: PHP Replace n with br using nl2br()



$desc = "Line one \n Line two \n Line three \n Live four \n Line five ";

echo nl2br($desc);


Line one

Line two

Line three

Live four

Line five

Example 2: PHP Replace n with br using str_replace()



$desc = "Line one \n Line two \n Line three \n Live four \n Line five ";

echo str_replace("\n", "<br />", $desc);


Line one

Line two

Line three

Live four

Line five

I hope it can help you...

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