Laravel retry() Helper Function Example

By Hardik Savani October 12, 2023 Category : Laravel

Hey Artisan,

In this comprehensive tutorial, we will learn laravel retry helper function example. In this article, we will implement a laravel retry() function. I explained simply step by step laravel retry function. In this article, we will implement a laravel retry method example.

In Laravel, the `retry()` helper function is used to retry a given operation or task a specified number of times if it fails. It provides a convenient way to handle temporary failures and automatically retry an operation without writing complex retry logic yourself. This can be particularly useful for tasks that interact with external services, APIs, or perform operations that may occasionally fail due to transient issues.

Here's the basic syntax of the `retry()` function:

retry($maxAttempts, $callback, $sleepInSeconds = 0, $catch = null);

- `$maxAttempts`: This parameter specifies the maximum number of times the `$callback` function should be retried if it fails.

- `$callback`: This is a closure or callback function that contains the code you want to retry. If this code throws an exception or returns a `false` value, the retry mechanism will be triggered.

- `$sleepInSeconds` (optional): You can specify a delay (in seconds) between each retry attempt. This parameter is useful to avoid overwhelming external services with too many requests in a short period. By default, it is set to 0, meaning no delay between retries.

- `$catch` (optional): You can specify an array of exception classes that should trigger a retry when caught. If this parameter is not provided, any exception will trigger a retry.

Here's an two examples of how you might use the `retry()` function in Laravel:

Example 1: retry() helper in Laravel

Certainly! Let's break down following example code:

$response = retry(3, function () {

return Http::get('');

}, 200);

1. `retry(3, ...)` specifies that we want to retry a particular operation (in this case, making an HTTP request) up to 3 times if it fails. If the operation fails all 3 times, the last exception will be re-thrown.

2. Inside the `retry()` function, there's a closure function defined using `function () { ... }`. This closure contains the code that will be retried.

3. Inside the closure, `Http::get('')` sends an HTTP GET request to the URL '' to retrieve data. This is a simple HTTP request using Laravel's HTTP client (`Http::get()`).

4. If the HTTP request to '' is successful, the response (which typically contains data from the URL) will be stored in the `$response` variable.

5. The `200` you provided at the end of the `retry()` call is not related to HTTP status codes. It's actually the `$sleepInSeconds` parameter, which specifies the delay (in seconds) between each retry attempt. In this case, it's set to 200 seconds, meaning there will be a 200-second delay between each retry.

So, in summary, this code attempts to make an HTTP GET request to '' up to 3 times with a 200-second delay between each retry. If the request is successful within the specified number of retries, the HTTP response is stored in the `$response` variable. If it continues to fail after 3 retries, any exception thrown by the HTTP request will be re-thrown, and you can handle it according to your needs.

Please note that in a real-world application, you would likely want to handle exceptions and errors more gracefully, log them, and potentially implement additional error handling logic depending on your specific requirements.

Example 2: retry() helper in Laravel

Let's break down the provided code:

$response = Http::retry(3, 200)->get('');

1. `Http::retry(3, 200)` is not a standard Laravel method. It seems to be a custom or extended functionality for the `Http` facade. This code suggests that you are attempting to configure some sort of retry behavior before making an HTTP GET request.

2. `3` specifies the maximum number of retry attempts. It indicates that the operation (in this case, the HTTP GET request) will be retried up to 3 times if it fails.

3. `200` seems to be specifying the delay between retry attempts, which is 200 seconds. This means there will be a 200-second delay between each retry attempt.

4. `->get('')` represents the actual HTTP GET request being made to ''. This request will be retried based on the configuration set by the `retry` method.

In this custom or extended implementation, the code is trying to make an HTTP GET request to '' with a retry mechanism. If the request fails, it will be retried up to 3 times, with a 200-second delay between each retry.

Please note that this code is not part of Laravel's core functionality, and its behavior depends on the custom implementation or package you are using. Be sure to consult the documentation or source code of the specific package or implementation to understand its exact behavior and how it handles retries.

I hope it can help you...

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