How to Get Product using Rakuten Marketing API in PHP?

By Hardik Savani May 14, 2024 Category : PHP Laravel Rakuten Marketing API

In this post you can find how can use rakuten linkshare API in our php website. first you need to create class for retrieve data from "" website. now i give to example of product search, but if you use this class then you can easy to implement your other search like advance search etc. So now i am giving you class that send request to website and get data. but this class you can also you for other site API use like CJ API.

Your php file :

public function getProduct()


// Bearer token = 416b5350fcccf11f11826c25a058d6a88

$token = 'Bearer token';

$client = new RakuteAPI($token);

$parameters = ['keyword'=>'test','max'=>50];

$products = $client->productSearch($parameters);




class RakuteAPI {

public $domain = "";


* Curl handle


* @var resource


protected $curl;


* API Key for authenticating requests


* @var string


protected $api_key;


* The Commission Junction API Client is completely self contained with it's own API key.

* The cURL resource used for the actual querying can be overidden in the contstructor for

* testing or performance tweaks, or via the setCurl() method.


* @param string $api_key API Key

* @param null|resource $curl Manually provided cURL handle


public function __construct($api_key, $curl = null) {

$this->api_key = $api_key;

if ($curl) $this->setCurl($curl);



* Convenience method to access Product Catalog Search Service


* @param array $parameters GET request parameters to be appended to the url

* @return array Commission Junction API response, converted to a PHP array

* @throws Exception on cURL failure or http status code greater than or equal to 400


public function productSearch(array $parameters = array()) {

return $this->api("productsearch", "productsearch", $parameters);


public function getToken()


return $this->apiToken("token", "token", $parameters = array());



* Convenience method to access Commission Detail Service


* @param array $parameters GET request parameters to be appended to the url

* @return array Commission Junction API response, converted to a PHP array

* @throws Exception on cURL failure or http status code greater than or equal to 400


private function commissionDetailLookup(array $parameters = array()) {

throw new Exception("Not implemented");



* Generic method to fire API requests at Commission Junctions servers


* @param string $subdomain The subomdain portion of the REST API url

* @param string $resource The resource portion of the REST API url (e.g. /v2/RESOURCE)

* @param array $parameters GET request parameters to be appended to the url

* @param string $version The version portion of the REST API url, defaults to v2

* @return array Commission Junction API response, converted to a PHP array

* @throws Exception on cURL failure or http status code greater than or equal to 400


public function api($subdomain, $resource, array $parameters = array(), $version = '1.0') {

$ch = $this->getCurl();

$url = sprintf($this->domain, $subdomain, $version, $resource);

if (!empty($parameters))

$url .= "?" . http_build_query($parameters);

curl_setopt_array($ch, array(

CURLOPT_URL => $url,


'Accept: application/xml',

'authorization: ' . $this->api_key,



$body = curl_exec($ch);

$errno = curl_errno($ch);

if ($errno !== 0) {

throw new Exception(sprintf("Error connecting to CommissionJunction: [%s] %s", $errno, curl_error($ch)), $errno);


$http_status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if ($http_status >= 400) {

throw new Exception(sprintf("CommissionJunction Error [%s] %s", $http_status, strip_tags($body)), $http_status);


return json_decode(json_encode((array)simplexml_load_string($body)), true);


public function apiToken($subdomain, $resource, array $parameters = array(), $version = '1.0') {

$data = array("grant_type" => "password", "username" => "apiteam",'password'=>'apiteam2015','scope'=>'2373467');

$data_string = json_encode($data);

$ch = curl_init('');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "grant_type=password&username=apiteam&password=apiteam2015&scope=2373467");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(

'Accept: */*',

'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

'Authorization: '.$this->api_key,


$body = curl_exec($ch);

$errno = curl_errno($ch);

if ($errno !== 0) {

throw new Exception(sprintf("Error connecting to CommissionJunction Token : [%s] %s", $errno, curl_error($ch)), $errno);


$http_status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if ($http_status >= 400) {

throw new Exception(sprintf("CommissionJunction Error Token [%s] %s", $http_status, strip_tags($body)), $http_status);


return json_decode($body);



* @param resource $curl


public function setCurl($curl) {

$this->curl = $curl;



* @return resource


public function getCurl() {

if (!is_resource($this->curl)) {

$this->curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($this->curl, array(










return $this->curl;



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