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Laravel - This cache store does not support tagging - Solved

When i was working on ACL module for my project, i fetch error like : This cache store does not support tagging, if you use zizaco/entrust package for ACL and you fetch this error then you have to set.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

AngularJS Simple Datepicker Directive Example Tutorial

In this example you implement datepicker directive simply. In this example i used ngDatepicker plugin. It is very simple way to use and integrate. It is very flexible you can set format and other opti.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

How to Drop Foreign Key Constraint in Laravel Migration?

Hi Artisan, This post will give you an example of laravel migration remove foreign key. This post will give you a simple example of laravel migration drop foreign key. If you have a question about rem.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

JQuery Chosen Multi Select Dropdown Example

Hi Friends, In this quick example, let's see jquery chosen set multiple selected value. This article will give you a simple example of jquery chosen set selected value. We will use jquery chosen get s.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

PHP CKEditor with Image Upload using KCFinder Example

We can implement ckeditor with image uploading in PHP simply. if you want to use ckeditor in your PHP project and you also want to add file uploading as well then you can do easily to follow bellow st.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

How to Solve - You Don't Have Permission to Upload Files in KCFinder?

I was working on my project and implementing KCEditor and CKFinder (the free one) with image upload, but when i tried to upload image i found error like "you don't have permissions to upload files". .....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

How to Get Filename from Path in PHP?

Hello Folks, Today, php get filename from url is our main topic. This example will help you php get image filename from url. This article will give you a simple example of php url basename. let’s di.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

How to Generate Random Unique String in Laravel?

Laravel provide several string helper that way we can use it easily like str_limit, str_plural, str_finish, str_singular etc. If you need to generate unique random string then you can use str_random().....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Solve - fatal: Unable to Create '/myproject/.git/index.lock': File exi

When i was working on my laravel 5 application, i did all the changes i did but when i had gone for push then i found this fatal error. It's not able to create index.lock file in .git folder. I also g.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

How to Implement Email Verification with Activation Code in Laravel?

Email verification is a very basic step in the registration process of many applications. If have implemented email configuration in your project then you get lots of benefit like you can forgot passw.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

AngularJS Sorting(using Orderby Filter) Table Data Example

Data sort in one of the most important and essential component in any web based projects. we can find data in order by any field then we can find any data easily from reach data. In this post, we ca.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

How to Get Path in Laravel Application Root?

Hello Artisan, Now, let's see a tutorial of how to get path in laravel. This article goes in detailed on how to get public path in laravel. let’s discuss about how to get base path in laravel. I wou.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel