How to Get First Character from String in Python?

By Hardik Savani October 30, 2023 Category : Python

Hey Folks,

Now, let's see an article of python get first character from string. In this article, we will implement a python get first character in string. It's a simple example of how to get first character in string python. We will look at an example of how to get first character from string in python. Here, Create a basic example of how to get first character in python.

In this example, i will add myString variable with hello string. Then we will use key to getting first character from string in python. So, without further ado, let's see simple examples: You can use these examples with python3 (Python 3) version.


# Declare String Variable
myString = "Hello, This is"
# Getting First Character from String
firstChar = myString[0]



I hope it can help you...

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