Laravel Group By with Max Value Query Example

By Hardik Savani April 16, 2024 Category : Laravel


In this tute, we will discuss laravel group by with max value. step by step explain laravel group by max value. We will look at example of laravel group by max(id). let’s discuss about laravel collection group by max.

If you want to get records with group by query and you need to get maximum date, max id, max value or max number then how you will do it. generally group by get first record, but if you need max value records then i will show you some simple query example and you can fix your problem.

you can use this query in laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, laravel 9, laravel 10 and laravel 11 version.

let's see some example query:

Example 1: Laravel Group By with Max ID


* Write code on Method


* @return response()


public function index()


$data = UserPayment::select('id', 'user_id', DB::raw('MAX(id) as max_id'))

->where('is_paid', 1)





Example 2: Laravel Group By with Max Date


* Write code on Method


* @return response()


public function index()


$data = UserPayment::select('id', 'user_id', DB::raw('MAX(paid_date) as max_paid_date'))

->where('is_paid', 1)





Example 3: Laravel Group By with Max Value


* Write code on Method


* @return response()


public function index()


$data = UserPayment::select('id', 'user_id', DB::raw('MAX(amount) as max_amount'))

->where('is_paid', 1)





i hope it can help you...

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